Monday, March 14, 2011

Just Another Monday

Monday's are pretty great. It is such an easy day! This morning I just relaxed and caught up on things here and there. After lunch, I hung out with Tim in the computer lab; we were looking up ideas for our Kindergarten class Wednesday. I had another break before cooking class. This week we made another type of 'cheon', hwa cheon. It is a traditional dish made with rice flour. The cheon are decorated with a date and daisy leaves to make the design of a flower. Then they are fried; we made a sugar syrup to cover them. These turned out/tasted better than last week's cheon. Maren, Emily and I went to HomePlus to get some groceries and came back for dinner. We met our new classmate, Milan. He was finishing up another program and it ended last week. Dinner was not very good. I had bought "cheese bokki" which is basically ramen noodles with cheese-kind of like easy mac. That also was not very good. Ben called me and I went downstairs to the lounge to study with Tim and him. Emily joined us after a bit. Then I went upstairs to study in Emily's room a little more and Maren joined us. I need to rest up because tomorrow is going to be a loooong day. Our first official Taekwondo class is tomorrow too!

Emily and me with our finished product!

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