Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Whirlwind Week-it's Wednesday!

Monday: It was a beautiful day! I studied outside and my friend 정관 helped me with my speech for Thursday. In cooking class, we made a traditional Korean cookie (usually only made for weddings) called " 매작과" maejakgwa. It was made out of ginger and dough; then we cut them, twisted them, and fried them. We also made a sugar syrup to cover them. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera, pictures of the delicious cookies!

In the evening, Emily and I went for a run on campus. Then we watched an "American Idol" kind of singing contest show. We were updated that we would have an extra class on Tuesday because we are missing our Friday writing class due to a field trip. It was scheduled from 3-5. None of us were looking forward to "Terrible Tuesday x2"!

Tuesday: Only a few of us attended the first conversation class. Our teacher was a little sick, so we cut class short. Jihye came around 10 and we practiced our speeches. We convinced her to have us as a group miss taekwondo because of our preparation for the speech. (We will be speaking a few sentences in Korean to the President of the university, founder and about 40 other professors/sponsors!!) There was an English speaking contest in the afternoon starting at 2. A few of our friends from English Town were participating in the contest; many of us had helped them revise and edit their speeches so we all wanted to attend the contest. Again, we convinced Jihye to talk with our professor to change the extra class in the afternoon and move it to a different day. We had a nice break until our 1:00 class; when we got to class, we asked our professor if it were possible for us to cut class in half, and his response was "I won't be here either!"; he was a judge for the competition. Emily and I went to BC Park (a park located between Building B and Building C) before the contest. Our friends 성민 (Sung Min) and Captain Sailor Moon were in the first half and both did a nice job. Sung Min ended up taking 2nd place! 

After the speaking contest, I finished preparing for my first speaking class. It went really well. They are pretty shy and nervous about speaking English, but I think we are going to have a good time working together. When I left, I ran into Ben and Tim; they told me dinner at BioTech was a "disaster" and they were going into town to get some food. I went with them and ordered kimbap. I had my ET group; we just did some speaking and finished class early. Emily and I went for a run and then we hung out with Jenny in my room.

BC Park

Ji! My Bro.

Captain Sailor Moon!

Today: Kindergarten was fun. We played 'duck, duck, goose' with them again. Colin thought we should try another game, so we explained the telephone game to them. First we tried using English sentences, but it was a little difficult for them, so we switched to Korean. I think they enjoyed the new game. We had our Friday's class and finished up a little early. In our movie class, we watched a movie based on the May 18 Massacre that took place in Gwangju in 1980. That was the first movement towards a democracy in South Korea. It was really sad, but I didn't know about this part of Korea's history, so it was also very interesting. After movie class, I had my second speaking class. Today, there were only 4 students. I think it was good for them, because they had to speak more. Towards the end of class, a few students came in, returning from a business meeting. They had made a bet if I was still going to be there or not, so one of them had to buy ice cream for all of us. :) I sat and talked with some of them before going to dinner with Jenny.

There is a bug going around, and I think I caught it. Both Jenny and I are feeling a little under the weather with sore throats. So I'm going to rest up tonight!

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