Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One Day til Jeju!

Sunday: I went to 신아산 "Shina Mountain" with my host family. It was Parent's Day, so I gave them a basket of flowers. We went hiking in the mountain-it was really pretty. We stopped for snacks twice and then made it to the top. It is 630 meters high! After we made it to the top, we had a picnic lunch of kimbap, and "kimchi kimbap" (which was rice and vegetables rolled in a white radish kimchi), fruit and nuts. We made our descent and stopped at two Buddhist temples on the way. We went for cold noodle soup when we were all finished; I'm still not sure how I feel about that soup. It is strange to have shaved ice with noodles...

My friends returned from their templestay and we traded stories and events from our time apart. 

Monday: I didn't have anything til 3:00! Our cooking class was canceled so we could switch and have music class instead. We practiced our songs several times with Director Kim. After dinner, we decided to go for a Baskin Robin's run! Emily, Songhee (Emily's roommate), Maren, Narae (Maren's roommate), Jenny and I went and had a nice girls ice cream date. :) 

Emily and I went for a short run on campus even though it was rainy. After our run, we had movie night in my room. 

Today: Buddha's Birthday = no class! :) Happy Birthday Buddha! Maren, Emily, Jenny and I went to Issac's for lunch...it had been way too long since I last had Issac's Toast! We sat outside and ate. Sungmin picked us up and we also got Tim to go to see a movie! This time we went to see an American film (it had Korean subtitles); we saw "Source Code". It was actually pretty good-at least I enjoyed it. Emily and I shared a cheese popcorn and iced tea combo again. 

This evening, I'm packing and preparing for our adventure to Jeju Island. Unfortunately, the weather does not look too promising. It will be in the low 60's and rainy/windy for the three days we are there. However, I am still looking forward to visiting this island! :) I'm sure there will be lots to share when I return! :)

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