Saturday, May 7, 2011

Glad to be back Saturday

Back at Inje after a night's always nice to come 'home'.

A little bit more about the job...on Tuesday JiWon asked if I would be willing to take this position for a month and I said yes right away. We planned to meet sometime on Friday to discuss the details and work out a schedule. In the morning, I first had to meet with a member from my ET group, Hans, to discuss our "Membership Training" trip later that afternoon. Hans was nice enough to go and grab JiWon for me; we discussed the job a little more and he called his class senior, the guy in charge of the job and he wanted to meet with me right away in the afternoon. We went for lunch and talked a little and then decided to meet with the students. I will be teaching a one hour long class four times a week. I'm kind of sad we didn't start this sooner; a month doesn't seem like a very long time! We will focus on conversation and speaking skills. 

After meeting with the students, I returned to ET for a few hours before having to head out to Jiri Mountain. We stopped at HomePlus and bought a lot of meat, snacks and drinks. Then we were off! Unfortunately the weather was rainy, but it didn't dampen our spirits too much. We finally arrived and settled in and started cooking. We stayed in a traditional house that has underground heating (ondol)-the floors got very warm by late evening (we slept on the floor)! It was fun sitting around a campfire/grill eating and talking with my Korean friends. They did not use very much English, but I tried my best to listen and pick up as much Korean as I could. 

Little traditional house we stayed in

Starting up the grill; to the right behind Hans (seated) is the 'fireplace' to heat the floors

Me with most of my ET group!

Today: We had ramen for breakfast and then we were off to a temple on/near Jiri Mountain. It was really beautiful. We had mandu and ate them by a really clear stream. We went into the temple and then headed back to Inje. We stopped at Yonji Park for a little and finally returned to campus. I went for a nice long run, cleaned up and had dinner with some friends on campus. Tim, Ben, and I went for ice cream and I bought flowers for my Host Family for tomorrow-it's Parent's Day. Tonight Tim, Ben and I are going to watch a movie. It's crazy because all of the other IIIHR members are in Gyeongju doing a TempleStay and most of the Inje students are at home for Parent's's very quiet here! We didn't end up watching the whole movie because we were so tired. When I was going up the stairs to my room I heard Ben yelling, "Amy! Amy! Come quick!" So I went back down and found Ben with a HUGE centipede or millipede. We grabbed Curious Bob to help us take care of it...but first we decided to put it in a box to show Tim and scared him. Bob later swept the "monster" down the stairs and the doorman stomped on it. :(

Bumsik and me by the stream

Mandu snack!

Hanging out!

Jump! Sungmin, Bumsik and me

Monster of English Town!!

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