Thursday, April 14, 2011

Long Thursday!

This morning I went to an ATM and was able to finally withdraw money! Our conversation class went well. We had a quiz on verbs today. The culture class was alright. We covered the traditional marriage customs. Again, it was a little difficult to get through; our professor stopped the video every 30-40 seconds and would write the Korean and then find the Chinese characters as well. After class, Emily and I went for a long run! We wanted to find two different cafe/restaurants we had each noticed a month ago when we went to the Membership Training. My guess was we ran about 1.5 miles up hill. We went into the one I saw first; it was called "Choco" something...they had cakes, chocolate, gelato, coffee, and other pastries. Emily and I felt a little awkward because the cafe was kind of upscale and we were all sweaty and kind of grungy from our run. Then we went to see the place she noticed "Cafe Dahlia". That cafe was also upscale and really cute. We ran back to campus and then I ran a little more on campus; I felt in the mood for running and I didn't want to stop. It was so strange because normally I don't really enjoy running...

In the evening, Emily, Jenny, Tim and I went to a classical concert with Magnus, Joakim and one of their professors. It was at the same performing arts center I went to for the piano concert on Saturday. It was broken up into a few different types of performances-piano, violin, cello, flute and even a male and a female 'opera'. Afterward, we noticed one of our professors and stopped to say hello. He offered to take 3 of our group of 6 back to campus, so Emily, Jenny and I went back with him and his daughter. On the way, we stopped at Lotteria for ice cream. :)

Saw this banner at the performing arts center and thought of my Mom!

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