Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tough Tuesday

Today's classes were a little rough to get through! We had our 'difficult' conversation class this morning. It was even worse than normal. Instead of breaking down a new, difficult and long sentence by words, our teacher just says it really fast, asks us to repeat it, says "it's so easy" and then moves on to the next sentence. When you listen to us repeat her, it is actually kind of funny because you can tell that most of us are just mumbling and trying to make sounds, but not actually speaking the Korean words. Taekwondo class was alright. We actually didn't seem to do too much today. Class went a little long because our professor wanted to 1) talk about the rules of fighting in Taekwondo and 2) demonstrate defense tactics when being attacked. My favorite part of his demonstration was him "running away" after "hitting" the attacker. It was comical.

Our Language class was also a little rugged to get through. We only practiced two sentences, just focusing on "what is the date" and "which day is it", but expanded on speaking it present, past and future tense. It took an hour to go over that. The last part of class was spent working on counters (when you count different things you have to use different words to show what you are counting, based on what you are counting. For example when you count people it is "myeong", things are "gae", and hours are labled "shi".) and big numbers. 

Best part of my day...package from my mom arrived late this afternoon!! It got here really fast! She mailed it Thursday (Friday in Korea) and today is Tuesday! I finally have my cleats, vitamins, calcium, AND a surprise bag of pretzel M&M's! I was so happy to see them! I am almost finished with my current bag. My mom also sent a box of chocolates for Jenny. Jenny was so surprised and happy!

ET was cut short because a lot of students in our group had tests and projects to work on. So, I went to go see Ji play with his major soccer team; they were in the semifinals. His team won 2-0! It wasn't as cold as it was for the last game! After soccer, we had a small, short study session. 

So happy to have my cleats! THANKS MOM!!


Jenny so surprised to get a gift too! THANKS AMY'S MOM!!!

Shirt Quadruplets! ET members L to R: Sung Min, Pyeong Uk, me and Han Su

Ji's soccer game! Ji is the blur in the middle of the picture!

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