Thursday, March 24, 2011


I had my more advanced conversation class this morning. I think it wasn't too bad today. We also got a gift for being good students! We were given 30,000W in gift certificate/coupons-money to different restaurants and stores in Korea. Jihye, our director also wrote a cute little personal message to all of us. She also included a few pictures of us with our friends. It was so sweet.

After class, we found out we were requested to be at a 'fundraiser' publicity event. The event was to raise money for the people in Japan. We were given envelopes with a few thousand won in them to donate. Next we had our culture class. Today we learned about the flag and the national anthem. We learned the lyrics and then listened/sang a whole bunch of times. Our teacher told us that all of the Korean TV stations play the national anthem at the beginning and ending of broadcasting times. Each station has their own 'video' depicting images from around Korea to go with the music. We watched three of them. I needed to go to the bank to pay for my Visa for tomorrow, so Jenny was meeting up with me after we had our classes. I exchanged all the rest of my American money. We had an extra music class today; that went okay. 

Emily and I went for a run around campus. We went to go see Ji play soccer around 7. At the half time, everyone left except Joakim, Magnus and me. Ji's team ended up losing by 2. It was SO COLD! It felt like fall/winter, not spring!

"Hwaiting!" (fighting) L to R: Maren, Sunghee, Emily and me


Good action shot

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